By: Keerthana Vinod
If you’re reading this article or viewing the JuSTEMagine website, chances are you’re interested in STEM. However, you may be asking, “How do I exactly get involved with STEM apart from taking STEM-related courses at school?” Well you, my friend, are in luck, as that’s precisely what we’ll be covering today. We’ll take a look at pre-existing STEM activities you can take part in, and then move on to how you can take the initiative to introduce more activities at your school.
Though it may not seem obvious at first, there are a plethora of opportunities relating to STEM in your community. For example, local universities often offer summer camps, research opportunities, or internships. Summer camps are great at introducing students to different STEM fields, as well as providing a space to explore different interests within STEM. Research and internships under a professor at a university are amazing ways to gain greater insight and work experience within a specific subject area and help prove to college admission officers and future employers that you are dedicated to learning even outside of school. A quick Google of your local university, and you should be able to find at least one, if not a couple of these opportunities.
Volunteering at STEM organizations is another way to gain insight into the field and become networked with like-minded individuals. For example, this non-profit, JuSTEMagine, is a great place to volunteer if you’re interested in STEM. It includes opportunities to develop apps, develop STEM-related curricula, publish articles, and build connections with a vast range of people. Additionally, there are activities to become involved in at school as well. This can be through joining leagues and clubs specific to a topic you feel interested in such as Science Olympiad, a math league, or a business club. If these opportunities aren’t available, starting your own club is a great option.
Starting a club at school can be daunting, but extremely rewarding in the process through the skills you can gain in leadership and communication. The first thing you will need when starting a club is a passion for a topic. If there is something you feel extremely interested in that’s not offered at school already, start a club for it! Or, if there’s a volunteer organization you’re part of, start a branch of it at school! Typically, you will need to ask your administrator at your school for the paperwork and permissions to start a club. Additionally, you will need to find a teacher to sponsor it, as well as gather potential members. Once that’s done, you’ll have your very own club! Apart from meeting on a regular basis, you can also take your club one step further by fundraising and volunteering with the help of your members. By founding a club at school, you not only create an opportunity for yourself, but for countless others as well.
STEM opportunities can be found anywhere, if you know where to look. Whether it’s through attending a summer camp, or starting a club at school, you can delve deeper into your interests as soon as today. Who knows, just one experience could be all it takes to take your school experience, and potentially your future career, to the next level.
Works Cited:
“7 STEM Activities for High School Students | Aralia.” Aralia Education, 15 Sept. 2023, Accessed 28 Aug. 2024.
Weintraub, Lauryn. “70 High School Clubs You Can Start Now.” CollegeVine Blog, 24 June 2023,