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JuSTEMagine San Diego's STEM Workshops


Updated: Dec 4, 2023

By Keerthana Vinod

On September 2, a materials sciences workshop for kids was hosted by the San Diego Chapter of JuSTEMagine. This chapter is led by Nupur Bhalla and Tanvi Movva, who helped to plan and host this event. This event was hosted at a local library, and kids were taught the theory behind material sciences and included numerous activities for them to get hands-on experiences with how the science is applied. For example, the kids were instructed to build towers out of clay in order to learn more about how different materials are used in society. At the end of the event, there was trivia where there were prizes that could be won. Material science is a unique topic that isn’t often talked about in elementary schools, so the kids who partook in this event left with increased knowledge about the field of study.

The event was an amazing success, with a great turnout and numerous reports of the kids having fun. With the combination of prizes, competitions, and activities, this event was certainly engaging for both the participants and those who helped host it. As Nupur Bhalla states, “it was really cool to see them being interested in the subject and answering our questions rather than it just being something that their parents forced them to do.” The co-chapter leaders also show great interest in hosting similar events in the future, seeing as this one was a great success.

Throughout the material sciences workshop, kids were able to learn more about material sciences, while also being engaged through activities and competitions. Overall, it is clear to say that the chapter presidents of the San Diego team have done an outstanding job in hosting this fun but educational event!

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