By Siri Doddapaneni
Every month, the Imagining team spotlights one of its team members to get to know them better. This month the spotlight is on Nishita, a sophomore at Pleasant Valley High School in Bettendorf, Iowa and Vice President of the JuSTEMagine Bettendorf Chapter.
When and why did you join Imagining?
"I’m fairly new to Imagining, this is my first publication, and I joined because I love writing and STEM has always been my passion"
What do you enjoy about writing about STEM topics?
"What I enjoy about writing STEM articles is that it allows me to express my passion for stem and it seems like a great way to learn new things myself as well"
What are you most excited for in Imagining?
"I’m most excited to constantly learn and write about new topics"
Where else do you volunteer within JuSTEMagine?
"I’m also part of the Bettendorf Chapter and the curriculum subcommittee"
What is your favorite STEM subject or extracurricular?
"My favorite STEM subject is biology, and my favorite extracurricular is robotics, specifically FIRST Tech Challenge"
Thank you, Nishita, for being our Imagining Team Member Spotlight this month!