By: Francesca Vidal
When I started Imagining 2 years ago, I didn’t know how long it would last. I was relatively new to JuSTEMagine and still learning about the different aspects of the organization. So when Jack, former president and founder of JuSTEMagine, reached out to me about starting a publication group, I was both excited and nervous. Unlike the other JuSTEMagine board members at that time, I had never been a leader of any group before, so I was a bit scared to be able to take on this new challenge.
The first publication consisted of five articles (one of which was written by board members not in Imagining). We started small, focusing on reporting about the different events happening within JuSTEMagine and adding one or two analysis articles to each publication. As the months went by, I became more comfortable with my role as Editor-in-Chief and we started gaining more members. The addition of more writers brought new ideas for articles. Movie, STEM activity, and STEM celebrity spotlights were all ideas suggested by different members of Imagining. With 11 writers and 10 articles being published monthly, Imagining has doubled in size since its beginning, none of which could’ve been possible without the dedication of all the members of Imagining.
What I love most about Imagining is that at the end of the day, everyone is working towards a common goal: spreading their passion for STEM through writing. Whether that be advising on certain STEM topics, informing readers on the different STEM careers available, or writing a review on a STEM movie, Imagining works hard to push high school students to take an interest and consider pursuing careers in STEM.
As my time as Editor-in-Chief has come to an end, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all readers and members of Imagining for making a vision become a reality.
Thank you.
Francesca Vidal