Evie Skibicki
Position To be Determined
Evie is a sophomore at Greendale High School. She has been interested in STEM all of her life. She has been involved with FIRST for 3 years, initially in FIRST Lego League and now in the FIRST Tech Challenge. She loves all aspects of FTC, she is on the building team, and she is very involved with the outreach for our team. Outside of our robotic team, Evie Participates in Girl Scouts, Soccer, Civil Air Patrol, Band, Swim, and Forensics. In her free time, she really enjoys painting, playing the clarinet, and crocheting. Evie loves robotics and says she will continue with FIRST for the rest of her High School time.

Ava Shapiro Scheuer
Head of Outreach for the Greendale Chapter
Ava is a senior at Greendale High School. She is Head of Outreach on her FIRST FTC team ALIEN and FRC team Milwaukee Cyber Cheese. She is on the FIRST Wisconsin Student Board of Directors, where she works to advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM and robotics. She has worked to found STEMinist Wi, a STEM organization that works to empower girls to pursue STEM careers. When not at robotics, she enjoys participating in Model UN, volunteering, and heading the costume department at her high school theater.

Cole Bucek
Position To be Determined
Cole Bucek is a sophomore at Greendale High School. He is the coding manager and is part of the programming team where they make the autonomous and tele op code for the robot. Outside of FTC he enjoys playing video games, drawing, and coding.